Today has been bittersweet as I expected. The kids and I went into his room this morning and had to wake him up! We videoed him while singing Happy Birthday to him and he wasn't too keen on it since he was so sleepy. We were supposed to do pictures today but the weather was nasty when we woke up so I didn't want to take a chance, we will try tomorrow. Brice and Anna are excited for his party but I know Brice has been a little bummed that his first year is over. I know Kyle is still a baby right now but come Christmas he will be a toddler for sure, trying to keep up with Brice and Anna. And, of course that is what I want for him.
He loves to sing and dance for sure. He is always swaying in his carseat and will crawl over to the TV and stand at it and sway back and forth when there is music on. He knows he's cute too and will look at you and grin. He is still our most snuggly baby, resting his head on your shoulder when he is sleepy or just kicking back and relaxing if sitting on your lap. He loves to be held and I oblige, willingly because I know too well, it will soon be that I can't pick him up any more.
So, while I have been reliving his delivery last year on this day, I am also so thankful for our sweet baby boy who has captured all of our hearts with his little grin and funny faces!!! Thank you Kyle for all that you are, you truly are Some Kind of ONEderful!!!
Justin had to travel on Kyle's birthday so we gave him his present on Sunday.
He knew just what to do because he is always sitting in Anna's chair!
Bear crawling or standing and trying to take steps are his favorite ways of getting around.
Here's his funny face! He usually squints his eyes all the way closed though.
Justin returned home in time for dinner and to see the birthday boy. He asked if I got Kyle a cake and I didn't so we took him to a frozen yogurt place, Swirlin' Twirlin'. Kind of like TCBY but better! Kyle loves it!
We will save the cake for Sunday when we have his party.
And, this is what I will miss about having a tiny baby; someone who looks up at you, depending on you for their every need. I know there will be times when he "wants his mama" so to speak but all too soon, it won't be cool for him to look at me like that...I am hoping to get a few more years of this look. ;)