Thursday, June 11, 2009

Load and Unload

This is what I feel like I do all day long.

Load and Unload.

The Dishwasher.

The Washing Machine.

The Children.

And this week, The Pool Bag!!! This includes towels, toys, floats (2), change of clothes for Anna, sunscreen, stroller, car seat, drinks and food! Which Brice is consuming at a rapid rate due to all of the swimming.

Load and Unload.

The best part is that the love I "unload" on my family is "loaded" right back on me!!!

1 comment:

Me said...

I love this post!!! I know exactly how you feel--it's constant, isn't it?!? But when they say, Love you, Mommy, it sure feels worth it 100 times over!!
