Friday, May 21, 2010

Not Fancy Enough

Apparently, the plain white sandals were just Not Fancy Enough for our little diva. I found these in her dresser drawer on loan from our good friend Eve who was kind enough to give us a huge bin of clothes and shoes from her girls. I pulled these out complete with mermaid on the bottom and starfish and guess who wanted them on her feet? Right away, in fact. I thought that maybe we had moved passed whatever it was but then when I tried to put the white sandals back on, I got a big "No, thank you"!She walks around the house in these and looks down at her feet the entire time, it's hilarious. Sooner or later she's going to run into something. These are a little small for her but she doesn't seem to mind and I am thankful that I won't have to dress her in socks and shoes every time we go to the pool!

1 comment:

Nana said...

Miss Anna knows her style ! :-)
