Wednesday, June 9, 2010


This post is dedicated to my cousin Jonathan and his girlfriend Mollie. Without them I would have never craved this cake.

I haven't worked out since before the wedding. There, I said it. I have been so tired and have had absolutely NO Motivation. And ever since Jonathan's birthday party and those delicious red velvet cupcakes, I have been wanting more! I've never made a red velvet cake so I picked up a box of Duncan Hines and Brice and I got to work! It was good. Really good. Anna came-back-to-my-chair-about-ten-times good and with every bite said, "Mmmm".

I have a feeling that come Saturday when the cake is gone (if it lasts that long), I am going to have all the motivation I need. In the meantime though this was exactly what I needed after yesterday.
Please note the cake stand. It was my Grandma's. I may have already blogged about it once but I just love it and I can't not put a cake on it.

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