Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Here is Kyle walking and throwing and so proud of himself.  The child is ob-sessed with playing Ball.  He would do it all day and if he sees one as we are coming downstairs from a nap, he will practically jump out of my arms to get to it!  And, usually as he picks one up, he says, "ba-uh" over and over again.  Sorry there are three separate videos, I wish there was a way to connect them all.  Upon viewing these, I noticed how much better at walking Kyle has become in just the past week!  Such an amazing thing to me that 13 months ago, he was just a tiny little thing who could barely lift his head and now he is practically running.  I will be back next post with an update on Anna's first week of school and how much Kyle is enjoying having Mommy to himself!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Oh my goodness!! He is too cute!! I love that wobbly toddler walk!
