Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Kyle Turns TWO!

Today we celebrated our fabulous baby boy turning two!  This kid is a confident, yet sweet and kind little guy.  He is willing to try anything he sees and repeats all words now.  Kyle can sing his ABC's, and a few other songs.  His favorite way to count is " 2,5,2"!  He is constantly narrating what he sees and wants confirmation that we hear what he is saying.  Balls, cars, and puppies are still his favorites.  He loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (birthday party theme), and Kipper (a show about a dog).  Brice and Anna are easily his favorite people to be around.  Kyle is a big fan of salty foods and his milk.  He loves waffles and pancakes for breakfast and also likes fruit and "do-durt" (yogurt).  He is still in his crib and facing backwards in the car seat in my car.  I will be turning his seat around very soon since he starts "school" and they will need to get him out, but the big boy bed may wait.  After climbing out for a few days in a row and me scrambling to find bedding, he has stopped and will usually wait for one of us to come and get him in the mornings and after nap.  He is a great little buddy and gives the BEST hugs!!  He is also very loving with stuffed animals and baby dolls, hugging them and kissing them and then he will say, "Awwww, sweet".  While I know this is marking the end of a big chapter in my life, Kyle has always acted older than his age in order to keep up with the other two and so, this helps me mark the end of babyhood around here.  Hard and sad some moments but there is so much fun to be had in the future!!!  Happy Birthday, little boy!!  Here is a picture from your party today, I will post more pictures soon.  I had so much fun planning and doing this party...and yes, I still have beach pictures to post as well!


Nicole said...

Such a great picture of both of you!

Jacqueline said...

Such a sweetie! Happy Birthday, Kyle! Still cant believe they are 2!
