Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pumpkin Picking, Pumpkin Carving 2013

It came down to the last week of October and we still didn't have any pumpkins.  We didn't even go to any festivals WITH pumpkins so I told the kids we could go pick some out this week.  Well, Brice has had quite a bit of homework so we just decided to go to the church across the street from our neighborhood to get our pumpkins.  We have been before...remember when Anna stepped in pumpkin goo?  You can see previous posts, here and here.  In fact, in 2010, I even named the post the same thing as I did above!  Anyway, Kyle was SO excited to get a pumpkin and I was excited because he was excited even though it is just a little church and you hop out and pick and pumpkin and are back home in 15 minutes.  I so wanted to do a "farm" experience this year with the hayride and such but it just didn't work out.

Kyle ran to the first pumpkin he though he could pick up and heaved with all his might, saying, "Heaby"!  I don't think he anticipated the weight of it at all!  Then he and Anna ran like wild things through the "patch" until Brice finally got impatient and yelled, "Pick out a pumpkin!!"

So that was Tuesday evening.  And then last night, we carved.  When I say we, I mean Justin did it.  And he did a fabulous job.


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