Thursday, February 27, 2014

'Da Boys

Today, was checkup day for the boys.  Nine years for Brice and 30 month for Kyle.  Both are healthy and tall...which I knew.  Kyle hadn't had a nap so it got a little rough towards the end of the visit.

75 lbs-77%
56.25 inches-92%

34 lbs 2oz- 87%
38.5 inches- 91%

I will update this post with some pictures and the personalities of each kid soon, but for right now, I am going to go eat some ice cream and watch American Idol.  Yes, I still act like I am in college, what can I say??

Grateful for healthy, sleeping kids.

I am back.  With some pictures of our most recent birthday boy.  Brice chose a SkyZone party this year which is a trampoline "park".  If I were a kid again, I would go bonkers over this place.  All I could think about though was who was going to break their leg, arm or neck?.  I felt very responsible for all these boys and my own three.  It was, so much fun for the boys though as well as Anna, her friend Hannah and Kyle and Jack.  They were worn out after the hour of jumping!! 

Brice continues to be such a joy of a kid.  He is a model student in school, as well as in extra curricular activities.  He is a wonderful big brother, always patient, and willing to help them or play with them and as of late, even make breakfast for them!  It is very hard for me to believe that he is nine years old now.  He has braces now and I swear gets taller everyday.  It is fun to see him develop into a big kid and yet hard for me to let my oldest not be "little" anymore.  He has always acted older than his age but still, there is a young guy living in my house, stinky baseball socks and all.

Here are some pictures from his birthday morning and party...

 Thanks to my Dad for capturing all these shots.  Not easy when everyone was in constant motion!
 Justin jumped quite a bit himself and then helped keep Kyle safe on the big kid parts of the park.

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