Tuesday, April 7, 2009

This Week at the Reynolds'

Tulips from my sweetie! I just love tulips, any color. I had a little pity party for myself on Sunday where I just didn't feel like doing anything. I just wanted to be responsible for me, myself and I and not have to worry about any one else. Anyway, Justin must have felt bad enough for me because Monday evening he came home with flowers. Thanks, Justin!

Here are some pictures of Anna in her bouncy seat, trying to sit up in it. She thinks she is six months old. Crazy girl!

Brice actually "smiled" for the above picture. Below, I caught him off guard at his Easter Egg Hunt at school. He was very excited to have just found a T-rex egg.

Not sure what he was doing in the above picture, but I do know we had just watched "The Cat in the Hat" so... maybe there is some connection there. Same goes for the below picture.

Here is Anna holding a maraca from Venezuela, courtesy of Aunt Blaire. Brice was so excited that Anna was holding this by herself. He practically flew down the stairs to get my camera and then proceeded to call Nana to tell her all about it and asked her, "Aren't you proud of Anna for holding that maraca?". He is so paternal, it's hilarious. He told me today that he wanted to be a grown up because then he could be Anna's dad!! Poor girl is going to have three parents her entire life. I guess that will come in handy when the boys start circling!

1 comment:

Janna said...

You should plant tulips in your yard...plant in the fall they'll bloom every spring :)
Cute kids :)
