Monday, January 18, 2010

Julia Child

Dinner time is a stressful time for me. The kids are running/crawling around the floor, Anna is starving, and Justin always seems to have an important call when I am needing to prepare dinner. I love using my crockpot and try to as much as possible but it just can't be done every night.

So, tonight was no different. But, a little background first. I am no cook. I cannot just go into the pantry and come up with something on the fly. I have to plan each meal, write down the ingredients, grocery shop, and then come home and follow a recipe. The other part, I don't like to cook. Sorry to all you true Southerners out there that enjoy cooking. I'm not saying that I wasn't raised in the South because I have lived here a long time. I like to drink sweet tea, I love SEC football and I know what a cheese straw is but...let's face it, my roots are Midwestern. So, my Grandma didn't enjoy cooking, neither did my mom (although, now I am thinking this is because my sister and I were always underfoot!), and neither do I. But I do try.

Today, I made a menu, went to the store and then I gave Brice the choice of what I should make tonight: stuffed shells, enchiladas, or pork chops. He chose enchiladas. Sounds good to me, who's bringing the margaritas?

I brown the meat, I mix up the cheeses and then realize I didn't buy enchilada sauce! This drives me insane!!!! One stinkin' ingredient? Frustrating!

So, I google how to make my own. This ought to be interesting since like I said before, I don't just happen to have ingredients in my pantry. But, lo and behold! I have almost all of it. Didn't have the chili powder but I did have some paprika that I put in there. I was very nervous about making it. It didn't look so good simmering in the skillet but on it went and into the oven went the dish. When Justin came in to help me set the table, I told him. His eyes got real big and he said, "Should be interesting." A lot of faith here people, can you tell? He obviously knows me!

But, I must say, they turned out very nicely, a little too much salt in my opinion but edible. I was very proud of myself! Just call me Julia Child! Ha!


Kelly said...

Ha! We had enchiladas last night too...but I made mine with an enchilada kit out of the box. :) I'm a southern girl through and through and dadgumit, I call that cooking! :) Like I tell Greg, "if it's hot, that means it's homemade." Ha! Good job!

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

I always seem to be missing one ingredient too!!! I'm glad they turned out yummy!
